Gotham Fine Beer

The brewery located in Reading, OH known as the Delatron Brewing Company from 1934-1946 and as the Cincinnati Brewing Company from 1946 until closing in 1951 was the location in which this month’s beer was produced.

Brewmaster George Delatron was well versed in the art of brewing, having studied the trade as a teen in Bavaria and later at the Wahl-Heinus Institute of Fermentology in Chicago, adding to his training where he would become a master brewer. His first gig as a brewmaster was in 1909 and he continued to serve in this capacity until selling the brewery that carried his name.

With its bright label featuring the skyline of New York City, the beer in this cone top can was destined to succeed. Gotham was one of less than ten beers that the brewery produced. Rather than spreading their brand thin and producing many mediocre brands, Delatron chose instead to focus on a select few. However, it wasn’t meant to be.

With the sale of the brewery in 1946, George Delatron passed the reins to his son Edwin who took over as brewmaster.  A few new beers were added in an effort to increase marketshare, but they were ultimately unsuccessful. Despite the family’s history, education and dedication to the art of fine beer brewing, they were unable to sustain any real momentum with their brews and the operation was closed after just 17 years.